Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Personal Narrative

This was the final project created for my ARTDES176 course. The assignment was to create a personal narrative of someone, somewhere, or something special or important to us. I decided to write mine on my father. As I sat down to write, I realized that it was too difficult to sum up a person's life in one short story, so instead I chose to write about something I will always associate with him, the city of Muskegon, MI and the house we had there. The house was left to my father and his siblings when my grandparents passed away and we kept it until it sold a year ago, after my father's passing. I miss the house and the beach and I felt this was an important memory for myself and a fitting one for the assignment. I filled the page with a story, accented with an image of the house itself and scenes from the shore of Lake Michigan.

EDITED: updated line lengths

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Campbell's Soup Designs

This first typographic image uses all of the text from a Campbell's Soup can label. The only changes that were made to the font were the line spacing, size, and weight. I created a grid first that split the page in half in both directions, and then created a thick section of bars to the right of the page and a few to balance on the left. Next, I added horizontal guides of all the same thickness randomly spaced along the height of the page.

For my text I focused on emphasizing the off-setting of text against itself and the grid I created. The text to the right all varies on which vertical bar it aligns with, the center section switches which side it aligns with halfway down, and the left aligns flesh left, but then line lengths create a curve that mimics the placement of text in the center section.

UPDATE: Below is an edited form of this image. I moved the text off the edge of the page to draw the eye inward. I then created equal whitespace on both edges to balance it out.

The second image makes use of color, fonts, line spacing, size, weight, and varying the angle of the text. This allowed for more freedom to play with the image and create something I really enjoyed.

UPDATE: Below is an edited form of this image. I changed the main section color to resemble that of the soup itself and make the text easier to read. I also changed the font and moved the satisfaction guaranteed below the main white text.

This final bonus image is of my first idea for the second design. While I began a new attempt because I did not like how the additional text fit into the image, I still like it as it stands like this.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Font Practice

This selection of textual compositions was created to emphasize the multitude of ways one statement can be expressed simply through changing the type.

There are 3 with predetermined grids and 3 where the design is based entirely off of the placements of other letters and words. The three with light gray lines show the predetermined grids.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Typographic Graphic

This assignment works with typography and using it in a way to express messages solely through text.

My image is created to represent the Tri-State Tornado, the deadliest tornado outbreak in U.S. history. I used the text to create a swirling impression, showing just a simple blurred fog behind it. The text is wobbly, flipped upside down in places, and varies in color and size. I used a font called "Barbatrick" that gives the impression of movement with speed to the words.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

This is a simple map I created by using layers placed over a google maps screenshot. I chose a scene that included a variety of items to be recreated. I then traced the different elements and created a separate layer for each type (roads, water, parks, etc.) Finally, I then added map symbols to give a more official map feeling.

I have created an additional map and uploaded it to the dropbox because it has
personally identifiable information.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Expanded Image

For this assignment we were to splice together pictures from the same scene to imply the passing of time. For this assignment I decided to use the spinning cube and wanted to allude to the idea of it spinning in time. I tried many different variations of this idea with the images I had and yet did not end up satisfied with my outcome. I have included my top two below but I am going to work to create another image for this project that I am more excited by.

The first image I created by splicing together many slices of images attempting to make the entire view spin. When I was not happy with this I instead only rotated the cube itself keeping the background stationary. 

UPDATE: Here is an additional idea that I created with Photoshop as an expanded image. These images were taken of C.S. Mott Children's Hospital at night. The front lobby has lights that slowly graduate between colors. I have an internship position with the Ronald McDonald Houses of Ann Arbor so I am familiar with this building. I used a background image of the entire building and then layered on images of smaller parts to make them brighter and emphasize the parts I wanted to stand out. I then added noise to the background image so the lights I wanted to stand out (rainbow on the left and the beautiful towers on the right) would stand out sharp and crisp. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013


For this in class assignment we were to create at least 4 caricatures of our family tree. I created my mom, sister, and I, and then added additional images of our two cats.