Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Personal Narrative

This was the final project created for my ARTDES176 course. The assignment was to create a personal narrative of someone, somewhere, or something special or important to us. I decided to write mine on my father. As I sat down to write, I realized that it was too difficult to sum up a person's life in one short story, so instead I chose to write about something I will always associate with him, the city of Muskegon, MI and the house we had there. The house was left to my father and his siblings when my grandparents passed away and we kept it until it sold a year ago, after my father's passing. I miss the house and the beach and I felt this was an important memory for myself and a fitting one for the assignment. I filled the page with a story, accented with an image of the house itself and scenes from the shore of Lake Michigan.

EDITED: updated line lengths

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