Thursday, October 17, 2013

Expanded Image

For this assignment we were to splice together pictures from the same scene to imply the passing of time. For this assignment I decided to use the spinning cube and wanted to allude to the idea of it spinning in time. I tried many different variations of this idea with the images I had and yet did not end up satisfied with my outcome. I have included my top two below but I am going to work to create another image for this project that I am more excited by.

The first image I created by splicing together many slices of images attempting to make the entire view spin. When I was not happy with this I instead only rotated the cube itself keeping the background stationary. 

UPDATE: Here is an additional idea that I created with Photoshop as an expanded image. These images were taken of C.S. Mott Children's Hospital at night. The front lobby has lights that slowly graduate between colors. I have an internship position with the Ronald McDonald Houses of Ann Arbor so I am familiar with this building. I used a background image of the entire building and then layered on images of smaller parts to make them brighter and emphasize the parts I wanted to stand out. I then added noise to the background image so the lights I wanted to stand out (rainbow on the left and the beautiful towers on the right) would stand out sharp and crisp. 

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